Everyone Has A Side…

Everyone has a side to them that’s kind of unexplained and feels misunderstood. ~ Kirk Hammett, lead guitarist, Metallica (love these guys!) Kirk is one of my favorite people on earth!  I’ve been a fan since the early 90’s.  He’s super duper cute, such an amazing guitar player, groovy vibe, super smart, sweet personality, funny, […]

Curiosity About Life

Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people. ~Leo Burnett

Having Fun

“Creativity is intelligence having fun!” ~Albert Einstein

Normal Is An Illusion

Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly. ~Morticia Addams

I Like Weird People

I like weird people. The black sheep. The eight balls. The left of centers. The wallflowers. The underdog. The lingers. The rejects. The odd ducks. The eccentric. The broken. The lonely. The lost and the forgotten.

Endless Creativity

You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have. ~Maya Angelou

Creative People Are…

Creative People… 1. Easily bored 2. Risk takers 3. Color outside the lines 4. Think with their heart 5. Make lots of mistakes 6. Hate the rules 7. Work independently 8. Change their mind a lot 9. Have a reputation for eccentricity 10. Dream big